Why another blog?

Why another blog?

January 25, 2024·
Andy Tran

I guess it’s a thing among software engineers to have a blog, maybe I am also falling into that trap… but to be honest long I have thoughtabout having my own blog and page, just like this, completely in the open for the whole world to see. I doubt many will read this, but for the ones who do stumble upon here, I hope they can discover something interesting.

To be honest, I have no clear or direct aim with this site other than just writing whatever I feel like writing about. I want this site to be somewhere where I can share some insight into stuff I am doing and what I am learning. I strongly think that if you cannot explain something, then you do not actually understand it. Maybe I will also just use this blog and site to share my random thoughts and feelings on stuff I see and give my unasked opinions. Ah well, who cares, I will probably sometimes read back my old posts to see how I thought back then. It’s sometimes hard to properly reflect, usually when trying to imagine how you felt at a point where you were struggling, you downplay it. In a very simple way it’s the same during studying, my bachelor’s were definitely hard but sometimes I think it wasn’t that bad since I managed to do it. That’s the beautiful thing about humans isn’t it? We persevere and come back stronger.

Last thing before writing any real blog posts, no use of large language models in the writing, except for spell checks…